How to become a writer has been the dream of many people. When you were young, did you wish to become a writer or pursue a career in line with the profession? If so, how far have you been in your journey?

More often than not, people would ask “How do you become a writer?” Well, the answer to that question is long but can be summarized into two words: determination and eagerness. These attitudes are helpful when you’re almost giving up and walking away from your dreams – writing.
Good for you if you continue to pursue this profession by at least starting a blog. But for those who have been torn between giving up and pursuing your passion, this article might give light to your dilemma. This can also be helpful to beginners who want to know the ways to become a successful writer.
You may check out our site for other writing tips and information. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the steps to become a writer.
We also suggest exploring proofreading tools that will prove useful when you want to write better. There is Grammarly so all you have to do is choose which plan they offer, download, and install it. There is also Pro Writing Aid that could help you. Most of these tools you can easily add to your MS Word.
How to Become a Writer
The road to becoming a writer is not a short path. It requires years of practice and training. So, if you’re just starting to write, you’ll need to know these basic guidelines that will help you through.

Read to become a Writer
“Readers make writers and writers make readers.” This popular quote goes to say that in order to become a writer, you should know how to read.
Thus, the first step in becoming a writer is by reading. It doesn’t matter if you start with one short article. As long as you have something to read, you are already making progress.
Reading also helps you gain ideas. It allows you to know more and be informed of a certain subject matter. Further, you’ll slowly learn the tactics or techniques of an effective writer. Here are some recommended books to help you:
- Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bruadbury
- Write. Publish. Repeat. By Sean Platt and Johnny Truant
- On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser
- Several Short Sentences About Writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg
You can also read fiction books, newspapers, magazines, internet articles, and other passages that you think can help you gain knowledge with writing. It is best to read good materials to enrich yourself.
Enroll in a Writing class
You can also go to a writing class if you want to. By doing this, you’ll be able to properly learn the most effective way of writing that suits you. At the same time, try that millennial education for writers. You can also learn the formal or technical rules when it comes to drafting or starting your writeups.
Excellent writers find time to learn. If you don’t have the time, you can enroll in an online program. There are lots on the internet that offers such. You can enroll for free or for a fee. You can check the listing of the sites below:

- Masterclass – good for fiction and nonfiction writers
- Udemy – cheap writing class
- CreativeLive – recommendable for practical writing
- Coursera – best for creative writers
Practice Writing daily
A good habit to practice when you want to be the best at something is to do it daily. This goes the same with writing. Since writing is a skill, you have to develop it and make it a habit. Thus, it’s advisable that you write every day.
It doesn’t matter if you can write only one hundred words on some days or just a sentence. What matters is you can write something at the end of the day. This will serve as your writing exercise and will then hone your skills in the long run.
If you don’t know what to write every day, you can search over the internet on how to write daily. You may also start with simple sentences or narratives then move to complicated ones.
Experience can teach you so many things that you will not learn in books. It will help you understand the way of life and how things work. Thus, it is advisable if you are an observer. This will allow you to notice people, how they live, and how they interact with others.
You will also be able to see things in their natural state. No pretention or added dramas—just life.
It is also good if you can travel to different places and meet different people. Much better if you listen to their stories and draw inspiration from them.
In the end, writing is more of relaying your personal stories and those of the people around you. It’s a compilation of what you have witnessed as well as your imagination.
Start Journaling/Blogging
It’s easier to develop your writing skills if you have your own journal or blog to run. In this manner, you’ll be obliged to write and write more.
For journals, your subject can be your daily experience. You can talk about your school, family, friends, and special someone. This will help you to properly express your feelings. Further, you’ll know how to write based on your everyday life.

As for blogs, it will be a way for you to write what you are passionate about or any topic that you will want to write on. For instance, you love dogs or cats. You can run a blogsite which provides information about dogs and cats (i.e. its different breeds, and the foods they can eat).
Maintaining a blog can be a bit difficult at first. However, if you get used to it, it’s like you’re just writing a letter to someone you adore. You can view our guide on how to create a blog.
Ask for Advice
Asking advice or input from other people is beneficial to your writing career. You can ask your friend or colleague to criticize your work. This manner will allow you to determine whether your writing is appealing to an ordinary reader or not. Furthermore, you can get input from them on what was written awkwardly or confusingly.
If you know some experts in the field, you may also get a piece of advice from them. In this way, you will know what are the things you need to improve on.
As compared to your friends or colleagues, these experts can help you with technical issues in your writing. This includes your sentence style, word choice, and your overall narrative.
Find a Mentor
If you find having a critique good for your writing, then getting a mentor will definitely a big help to you. It will be difficult to find one though but a mentor doesn’t necessarily mean a well-known writer.
It can be your English teacher or someone who started writing earlier than you. These people can provide inputs to your writing based on their experience. Thus, you will learn the real-life experience of a writer and their habits that made them who they are now.
Attitudes of a Good Writer
If you followed the above tips, then you’re one step ahead of becoming a writer. And to ensure that you’ll become successful, you will need to possess certain attitudes to maintain your love for writing.
- Discipline. Successful writers are those who employ a disciplined approach when it comes to writing. They are those who follow through their schedules and stick to their daily writing routine. These people are constantly improving their writeups every day and don’t waver even a bit. This attitude will take you far from what you imagined.
- Strong Vocabulary. Of course, you cannot write effectively if you have a weak vocabulary. That’s the reason why reading is important when you are a writer. This is how you can gain new words and terms which you may use for your writing. Thus, it will be easier for you to communicate or portray what you really mean to your readers.
- Imaginative. You should also have a wide imagination. As a writer, sometimes, you will need to look into the impossible and write a story based on that. Or, when you have a story to tell, and you know it will get boring without any twist or turns, then this is when you will have to rely on your imaginations.
- Objective. You should also be objective with your work. When you edit or re-read your work, make it a point that you are not being biased with your writing. But do not be so hard on yourself. Just a balance of objectivity and a positive attitude will do.
Frequently Asked Questions

You can start out writing for sites that allow guest writers. If you think you have enough ideas to venture on your own, then you can start your own blog. Also, start writing what you know or what you find interesting. Writing about what you know makes it easier for you to think about what to write, not to mention could establish your credibility.
You don’t need a degree in writing to be a writer; that one is for sure. However, you must have a specialization, as some writers focus on technology, others write about arts, while others cover lifestyle. Of course, the first qualification for a writer is your fluency in the language you are using. If you are writing in your mother tongue, then make sure you can organize and relay messages in writing clearly using your language. If you write in a second language, then make sure you have somehow mastered the basic grammar and writing rules of that language. Creativity and resourcefulness are also necessary for writing. Lastly, writers must be readers, so read a lot.
Of course! You don’t need a degree in writing nor a degree in anything to be a writer unless you are applying for a company that requires degree holders. However, most of the time, companies that look for writers are not concerned about degrees; they are only concerned about the writing skills, so if you have an excellent writing portfolio, that is enough to speak for your qualification.
The first key is practice. Pro writers did not become excellent overnight. They went through years of writing experience: practice is the key. Second, you must study how other writers write. That means you must read so you can write. Understanding how excellent writers do their pieces helps you to develop your own style in writing. Your style is important; it is your identity. Finally, polish your language skills: pay attention to details, even to the smallest ones like grammar. Proofread your work before you turn it in. Make sure you meet the requirements of the company or site for whom you are writing. Make all these a habit, and you’re on your way to writing like a pro writer.
The aforementioned tips provide you with pointers on how to become a writer. However, even if you follow all, it will be difficult to maintain this profession if you’re not determined and eager to pursue your passion. Furthermore, having a positive mindset will take you far from where you are right now.
If you have questions or queries, you can leave a message at the box below. You may also add other helpful tips on the above listing. Make sure you leave a comment. We’ll gladly review it for you!